LOOT is an industrial artifact and handmade goods emporium located in downtown Turners Falls, MA

LOOT Hours:
Wed - Fri: 11-5
First Fridays 11-8
Sat + Sun 10-5

Nov 29th to Dec 24th: 10-5 every day
Fridays: Dec 6th, 13th & 20th open β€˜til 8
Dec 25th & 26th: closed
Dec 27th: 11-5, regular hours resume
Jan 1st: closed

Some of what you might find at LOOT:
tables, benches, lab glass, stools, bowls, chalkboards, bowties, tins, bins, fabric, paintings, photographs, hats, signs, mittens, jewelry, rulers, buttons, cards, locks, elvis plates, aprons, soap, scrap paper + piles of cool stuff!

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